How to re-design slide One-Pager in PowerPoint

Slide Redesign: Food Product One-Pager in PowerPoint

Too much text, too much information, and a lack of space – are the common mistakes on slides made in PowerPoint. So that’s why I’d like to show you how to briefly and clearly present your product. I’m going to use a one-pager with a food product sell sheet.

In the next steps, you will redesign a cluttered and illegible sheet into an engaging and transparent one-pager.

One-Pager with the food product before the redesign

Our source slide is full of unreadable text as the result of a lack of space and a lack of properly set margins.

Food Product Sell Sheet Presentation One Pager slide before redesign PowerPoint

Let’s check out what the final version looks like!

How to re-design slide One-Pager in PowerPoint

Slide Redesign: Physical Product One-Pager Leaflet

The one-pager leaflet is a really popular and useful format. If you’re offering a product, it lets you to present it briefly. We’d like to show you how to create such one-pager in eye-catchy way. So check out this blog to see how we recreated a physical (non-digital) product one-pager slide from scratch.

Do you know that for creating such a graphical flyer you don’t always need advanced design software? A PowerPoint will do, too. See our guide of transforming the presentation slide into a fully graphical leaflet.

How to re-design slide One-Pager in PowerPoint

Slide Redesign: Company Snapshot One-pager Leaflet

I’m going to present you a few tips to use in PowerPoint for a graphical change of leaflet with a company snapshot.

We will use the one-sheet leaflet containing business key information in a snapshot, also called a one-pager.

Slide with company snapshot before the redesign

Our source slide contains a lot of text blocks and is hard to read.

templates onepager company snapshot before redesign

Let’s see how you can change it into a visually appealing infographic, using just a few hints.